Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Abe 2.0: Welcome to the ,Asylum Mr. President by David M

Abe 2.0: Welcome to the ,Asylum Mr. President by David M

Abe 2.0: Welcome to the ,Asylum Mr. President

Abe 2.0: Welcome to the ,Asylum Mr. President by David M PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

On April 15, 2015, Abraham Lincoln rises from the dead, 150 years to the day after he died. He wanders into a mostly unrecognizable world revolutionized by technology, but familiar in one respect: people are as stupid and evil as ever. Once again, the union is about to break up. It is on the brink of a second Civil War: not between the Blue and the Gray, but between the Blue States and the Red States. It is a world of cowboy capitalist radical Wahhabi Islamists who buy the Middle East; a hermit real-estate developer who wants to buy the 2016 presidential election; virtual-reality oases called Dreamworlds that offer the wealthy an escape from reality; and a mob of miscreants (murderers, drunks, thieves, an Ayn Rand acolyte) whose political views clash but who share one vision in common: to overturn the established order. Lincoln (not the plaster saint of hagiographers) hovers over this pageant like a dark avenging angel. Can a former president risen from the dead legally run for president again? Will he run? If he does, can he defeat the odious Donald Trump? And if he wins what will he do?

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