Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Rachel's Secret (The Riverhaven Years, Book 1) by B. J. Hoff

Rachel's Secret (The Riverhaven Years, Book 1) by B. J. Hoff

Rachel's Secret (The Riverhaven Years, Book 1)

Rachel's Secret (The Riverhaven Years, Book 1) by B. J. Hoff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Bestselling author BJ Hoff promises to delight her many faithful readers with her compelling new series, The Riverhaven Years. With the first book, Rachel's Secret, Hoff introduces a new community of unforgettable characters and adds the elements readers have come to expect from her novels: a tender love story, the faith journeys of people we grow to know and love, and enough suspense to keep the pages turning quickly.

When the wounded Irish American riverboat captain, Jeremiah Gant, bursts into the rural Amish setting of Riverhaven, he brings chaos and conflict to the community--especially for young widow, Rachel Brenneman. The unwelcome "outsider" needs a safe place to recuperate before continuing his secret role as an Underground Railroad conductor. Neither he nor Rachel is prepared for the forbidden love that threatens to endanger a man's mission, a woman's heart, and a way of life for an entire people.

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