Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Utopics: Systems and Landmarks by Nicolas Bourriaud, Fabienne Bideau, Philippe Cuenat, Ildiko Dao

Utopics: Systems and Landmarks by Nicolas Bourriaud, Fabienne Bideau, Philippe Cuenat, Ildiko Dao

Utopics: Systems and Landmarks

Utopics: Systems and Landmarks by Nicolas Bourriaud, Fabienne Bideau, Philippe Cuenat, Ildiko Dao PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A superbly selected A–Z glossary of utopian structures, zones and acts in art and beyond, Utopics is a guide to artistically “living otherwise”―whether through imaginative design solutions (Andrea Zittel, Lang & Baumann), artist republics (Ian Hamilton Finlay's Little Sparta, Robert Filliou's République Géniale), temporary utopias (Atelier Van Lieshout's AVL-Ville) or extraordinary spaces (James Turrell's Roden Crater) and situations (Rirkrit Tiravanija). Also itemized here are potentially utopian entities such as bees, islands and squats, plus more theoretical forays such as Rudolf Steiner's educational philosophy and Buckminster Fuller's utopian proposals. Sporting a wraparound poster dustjacket and bound in a glittering night-sky cloth, Utopics shows that by acts of creativity both intimate and epic, and by locating the nooks at the perimeters of society, the strictures of contemporary living can be fruitfully sabotaged.

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Utopics: Systems and Landmarks by Nicolas Bourriaud, Fabienne Bideau, Philippe Cuenat, Ildiko Dao EPub

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